“Being at ease with a back-pack full of ideas…”

… my personal THINK TANK

April 2024

The latent space, the pause, the silence, the transition are dimensions 
that lose significance in our bodily perception. 
New answers emerge from the latent space, 
through which the question seeks its place. 
From the landing place of the question, the answer rises through space and time.

January 2024

Happiness is not a feeling, but a decision.
That’s why this year, too, I will continue the thread
between seeing and speaking,
seeing and being.

November 2023

Space and I

The room seeks the eyes, 
to settle behind the sight of them.
Space encounters physical cavities,
which expand.
The space hears itself through me again.

September 2023

To perceive the spaces in between means,
pausing and not letting oneself drift in habits.
Resonance is the result.
We can actually reason better with everyone else as a result.
Habits cost little energy, that is their advantage.
Their disadvantage is that the newness is missing and with it the wonder.
It is precisely wonder that naturally loosens our jaw joint.
If we discover more spaces in between and all the things where we are not looking,
new resonant spaces are created, physically and in social contact.

Mai 2023

In the distance is closeness 
and in the last the first. Ryosuke Ohashi

Engaging with it allows for a new experience.

March 2023

The oral cavity is the first space
that we explore with the tip of our tongue.

Spaces are inside us and around us.

A narrow mouth space tells
about being in narrow spaces.


January 2023

Perception is a material quantity that we show.

as I see, I’m seen,
as I see, I am heard,
as I see, I react.

I will make the thread between breathing, speaking and seeing
even more cracked this year.

July 2022

Getting creative with one’s own resources is a choice,
not a matter of course.
The decision is reflected in our vision and breathing
and is audible in our voice.

February 2022

The way I take breath in,
corresponds to the way I see myself in the world,
see – breathe – see.

October 2021

Self-awareness is a tactile inner experience that goes hand in hand with our breath resource.
The free speaking voice and the directed articulation are therefore also tactile inner experiences.
This awareness of my self is seen and felt by others because of the mirror neurons.

April 2021

Contact in space.
Being in space with six senses.
Without contact, no sensory experience arises.
Without sensory experience, deep breath does not arise.
Without deep breath we do not experience contact.

December 2020

Irritations are new beginnings.
I have to let myself arise anew,
in order to be available to the whole.
This is comparable to the process of speaking.
If I ignore the new beginning
I am not in my resources and spend unnecessary energy
to suppress these resources.

October 2020

In the web of lines.
Our eyes express our thoughts.
Our speaking expresses our thoughts.
Both processes draw lines into the room
and leave traces.
The kind of traces and their length,
our view decides.

May 2020

In the home office, we often have the feeling that we need larger rooms than those currently available to us. But rooms begin in our physicality and how we use them. With my clients and students I always come back to the following three processes:

Breathe with your eyes,
see with the ears,
hear with your mouth.

Through my imagination I am able to live this metaphor consciously.
It contributes to my well-being and brings me more inner space, and thus distance, also to the digital devices.

April 2020

The eyes are there to be expressed or withheld.
The voice is there to express or withhold.
Both processes tell me and are dependent on each other.
So a restrained look impairs my voice,
or a restrained voice blocking my expression in my eyes.

January 2020

… I will continue to try to make the thread between breathing and seeing more tear-resistant.

December 2019

Resonance is a kind of touch and every touch has the function to ask questions.

November 2019

Architecture is responsible for the interaction of people.
Resonant spaces describe the architecture within the body and are responsible for the networking of people.

October 2019

Our skin is the largest organ of the human being, it wants to get in contact, spread out, stretch and relax. For this it needs the breath, the involuntary breath that follows the spaces in our body. If the spaces are narrowed, they can be exposed.
Our intentions have corrections, concrete directions have endpoints.
The result shows clarity between the starting point and the end point.

August 2019

… look into the distance! 

It doesn’t matter if I look into my imagination or into the distance. 

At the same moment the cavities in my body and my breath, my voice and my presence change. It changes my thinking and my ability to make decisions. 

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Victor E. Frankl 

Based on the psychologist Viktor E. Frankl, this can be summarized as follows:

The spaces in which I begin emerge in thought 

July 2019

… the practice lives itself sensually only when I understand it.

March 2019

… as I see, I’m seen;
as I see, I am heard;
as I see, I react


January 2019

… breathe with your eyes, see with your ears, hear with your mouth,
a game, the result of which once explore yourself, it’s worth it …

December 2018

… habits:
Advantage – lowest energy consumption (Talmi/ Gruber)
Disadvantage – distract me from my resources – my present and my lightness

October 2018

… at the beginning already have the end in mind, and stay in the distance with my gaze.
so the things we do stay in motion, they get a direction ….
and so we are actually on the road every day, directed,
every drive describes our results, our body tension, our thoughts.
Do you know the speech at your funeral? an invitation I found at Covey, great …

August 2018

… Lightness comes from distance. The moment in which I begin my speaking or reacting from a distance to things lets me be in a clarity and objectivity.

July 2018

… My work with voice and speech over the past 20 years has made me curious every day to find further causes, which may be a reason to stop people from being in balance with their own voice. Some time ago I had a clue, that it was all connected with seeing. When I visited my first Eyebody® Intensiv training in New-Zealand, I got an answer to my question. From that time on a lot of things changed in my practical teaching and the reading habits of my clients and students. I learnt, that focussing is only our eyes second function. Their first function is the coordination of our physical, emotional and mental state, besides coordinating other parts of the brain.
Aha! How interesting. This is what Platon writes about in „Alkibiades 1” about seeing and being, being and seeing. Besides Platon there are several contemporary authors, who dedicate their time to the topic on a philosophical or sociological level. I am foremost interested in the interplay of the visual pathway, breath and thinking. It is always our decision, how we allow air to flow into our body, how we breathe and how we let the „big outside“ in through our eyes. Even though I might still have a long way to proof this, however the idea simply keeps me awake. Meanwhile I was able to make reconfirming observations and found out, that focussed eyes are an obstructive habit in our relations to others and the environment…

June 2018

… Listening! Paying attention! At the moment Kovacs – “Shirley, sound of underground…“

May 2018

… you should make use of and taste life more deliciously – why not live a delicious life…

April 2018

… luck isn’t a feeling, but a decision. (from Tilda Swinton, but who said it first?)
And yes, relaxed eyes make you happy, I have learnt that meanwhile – what a great statement 🙂

November 2017

What is it about?

Boundary and expansion * psyche comes first * showing yourself through voice * who holds on to something, doesn’t experience reaction and cannot answer? * I don’t know right or wrong * details in the connections * lines and their meanings between us in the communication* breath* breathing* lines on us and from us and in us* quick access to our blockades* high ability to reflect in the teamwork* follow what makes you restless* a main clause/ statement? for evaluation* the thing about breath and placing ourselves at the disposal for the world* contributing to the work of global relations* line as an extension of the body* working on the tone and answer whilst speaking*
listening carefully also means to listen with relaxed eyes * who holds on to something, doesn’t experience reaction * thus fails to answer* It’s impossible that things are the way they were until yesterday* to challenge the resources of the others and to apply it in voice and speech* what can vision do with expression* curiosity keeps me awake* showing comes before speaking* impression before expression* alertness for the moment* a penetrable body and breath in motion* with thoughts on the edges* panoramic view in a wide visual field * voice is the extension of the body* phantasies of the body* speech*…and by the way… what was it all about?